
NetRise Recognized as Official CycloneDX SBOM Provider

On the heels of President Biden's executive order focused on improving the Nation's cybersecurity, Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) has garnered unprecedented attention from security professionals in all niches of information security. With good reason, too - how are we supposed to secure mission critical systems (or any system, for that matter) if we don't know what software they're running and the various dependencies and supply chain behind that software?

Adoption and implementation of SBOM is no small task; many organizations - even the device manufacturers themselves - are taking on this new challenge having never heard the term just a few years ago.

Thankfully, there are a host of tools and resources that organizations can use to generate, ingest, and otherwise use SBOMs in their daily operations, many of which are listed on the official CycloneDX tool center, including our own NetRise Turbine, which has been recently recognized as an official source for CycloneDX SBOMs. NetRise Turbine also supports other SBOM formats such as SPDX, as well as an interactive SBOM that customers can natively explore within the application.

SBOMs are a great step in gaining visibility and better understanding the risk associated with xIoT devices across the enterprise, but they're only part of the story. Contact us today to schedule a demo, and see how NetRise is using SBOMs and a host of other core features of our platform to enable our customers' xIoT security program.


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